...Bob Kluz!
Bob is North Cascades National Park Complex Headquarters Mail Room extraordinaire. He was nominated and won the Green Award for his commitment to reusing shipping supplies, office materials and other household items that would other wise end up in a landfill. Bob also has been collecting shredded paper form the North Cascades National Park Headquarters in Sedro-Woolley, WA. Along with the mail, it gets hauled up to Marblemount to be composted, instead of ending up ina garbage dump. Bob has offered many suggestions to the park on greening our facilities, however, his thoughts on ways to improve the efficiency and energy usage of our Greenhouse in Marblemount are worth noting here.
Bob and his wife Shelley have been working on improving their home, with the goal of producing tier own energy. Whidbey Sun & Wind will be doing work on their home, once again, this time installing Photovoltaics.
"In times like this, it just makes sense to put down the money, do the right thing and come out ahead a few years later. Pretty soon, with the system we're putting in, we'll be pumping kilowatts back into the system and getting paid for it!" says Kluz.
We hope Bob and Shelley meet all their green goals and keep inspiring others to always look towards improving what we have.
Autumn Winter 24/ 25
Any party considering climbing should note that at this time the guide
services have ceased operations on the upper mountain, and as such have
removed al...
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