Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lessening Impacts.

Greetings!  Much has been going on here at NOCA to speed our efforts in reducing emissions and making smarter choices in our everyday actions.  Figured it be time for an update.

 As a park and a part of the global community, we can no longer deny our footprint, contributing to human forced climate change.  We are here to preserve and protect the cultural and natural resources the North Cascades contains and our actions ought to reflect our mission statement.

 As the summer season is right around the corner, perhaps revisiting our Climate Action Plan will help you gain insight into what kinds of steps we here at the Park are taking.

 Feel free to take a look at the North Cascades Climate Action Plan, download, print it on 100% post consumer recycled paper with organically grown, soy-based ink and take it on the commuter bus to work. 

Our goals in the Action plan are simple, yet challenging. 
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions that result from activities within and by the park.
  • Increase climate change education and outreach efforts.
  • Develop and implement a plan to adapt to a changing climate.
  • Continuously evaluate and improve performance in the Climate Friendly Parks program.

As you can see from our emissions source breakdown, the majority of our emissions come from visitor transportation.  So how can visitors reduce their emissions?  Certainly, we want to encourage park visitation, not discourage it.  Here are some simple behavior modifications we can all take part in to lessen our impact while at the park and in our (hopefully not) everyday driving.

  • Plan your trip before leaving home.  
  • Offer rides to friends or folks you know will be visiting the park the same time as you.
  • Drive efficiently and drive the speed limit.  Limit sudden stops and avoid peel-outs.
  • DO NOT IDLE - THIS INCLUDES RVs (See "The Idle Idol" from February)
  • Ask others to not idle if you see them, including park employees!!!

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